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International Impact

Papua New Guinea

In August 2024 our church had the privilage of visiting the nation of Papua New Guinea for an international impact opportunity. During this time we saw miracle after miracle, God was moving in powerful ways in the hearts of the Papua New Guinea people as well as our own. 


Take the Gospel across the world and reach lost souls as Jesus commanded us to do!


Why do we travel half way across the world to preach the Gospel to another nation? Simple, God has commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel: Mark 16:15 says...

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature". 

The trip of a lifetime...

Going to Papua New Guinea really was the trip of a lifetime. Connecting with the local people, hearing their stories, praying for the sick and believing God to heal them was life changing, not only for the people of Papua New Guinea but for our team! We saw God move and do miracles before our eyes that will impact lives for all eternity. God is good!


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The Potters House Christian Church Hamilton

38 Grasslands Place, Frankton, Hamilton, New Zealand

Enquiries please call - 027 4991 073
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